[sent by fax 12 February 1994, assigned CJ Case #038-94]
					Phil Karn
					7431 Teasdale Avenue
					San Diego, CA 92122
					[email protected] (Internet)
					619-587-8281 (voice)
					619-587-1825 (fax)

ATTN: Maj Gary Oncale - 15 Day CJ Request
U.S. Department of State
Office of Defense Trade Controls
PM/DTC SA-6 Room 200
1701 N. Fort Myer Drive
Arlington, VA  22209-3113
Fax +1 703 875 5845

ATTN: 15 Day CJ Request Coordinator
National Security Agency
P.O. Box 246
Annapolis Junction, MD  20701

Subject:  Mass Market Software with Encryption - 15 Day Expedited Review

Subject:  Commodity Jurisdiction Request for
	  "Applied Cryptography", a book by Bruce Schneier


This is a Commodity Jurisdiction Request for mass market software with encryption capabilities.

The name of the software product is "Applied Cryptography", subtitled "Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C", by Bruce Schneier. It is a new book (copyright 1994) published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc (New York, Chichester, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore). The ISBN number is 0-471-59756-2.

I have no DTC registration code.

I have reviewed and determined that this book, the subject of this CJ request, meets paragraph 1 of the "Criteria for Determining the Eligibility of A Mass Market Software Product for Expedited Handling."

I base this determination on the following facts:

a) this book is readily available from any retail or mail-order bookstore that carries computer books, thus qualifying it as mass market software;

b) sufficient documentation is included to allow installation and use by any end user capable of typing in the software, compiling and executing it. To my knowledge the author and publisher provide no "product support" as that term is generally understood; and

c) the book contains encryption software source code listings that provide confidentiality.

A duplicate copy of this CJR has been sent to the 15 Day CJ Request Coordinator.


The book contains detailed descriptions of a wide variety of symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic algorithms, including those providing confidentiality. Furthermore, instructions are given for using algorithms originally designed for integrity verification (e.g., MD5) as ciphers to protect confidentiality (see page 270).

Of particular relevance to this request is Part Five, which contains complete, fully documented printed source code listings in the C programming language for the following cryptographic algorithms:

  1. Vigenere, Beauford, Variant Beauford (ciphers of historical interest)
  2. Enigma (German WWII military cipher)
  3. DES (US Data Encryption Standard), with support for double and triple encryption
  4. Lucifer (IBM's forerunner to the DES)
  5. NEWDES (experimental cipher, weaker than DES)
  6. FEAL-8 (Japanese block cipher, known to be quite weak)
  7. FEAL-NX (FEAL strengthened with an arbitrary number of rounds)
  8. REDOC III (fast block cipher with variable length key)
  9. LOKI 91 (Australian block cipher)
  10. IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm), a block cipher with 128-bit keys, thought to be quite strong
  11. N-HASH (Japanese one-way hash function)
  12. MD-5 (one-way hash function by Ron Rivest)
  13. SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm proposed by NIST)
  14. Combine (a program for secret sharing)

I have appended the book's index to this request. The book does not include machine-readable media.


This book originates in the United States. The author is a US citizen living in the United States. The publisher is a US corporation.

The cryptographic algorithms described in this book came from various sources, at various times, and were produced with both private and public sources of funding. Several originate in the US, e.g., Lucifer, DES, NEWDES, SHA and MD-5. DES and SHA are known to have been at least partially funded by the US Government as they are Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) maintained by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Others come from abroad: IDEA from ETH Zurich in Switzerland, Enigma from Poland and Germany, FEAL and its variants from NTT in Japan.

The source code implementations contained in the book also come from a variety of countries, including Australia, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom.

All of the algorithms except Enigma are thought to be designed for private and commercial civilian use. Enigma, of course, was used by the German military in World War II.

The book is currently publicly available from most bookstores that carry computer books, either off the shelf or by special order. The list price is $44.95.


The book is intended as a reference to those who wish to incorporate encryption into their applications.

Examples of the commercial use of these ciphers include integrity verification, authentication and confidentiality of electronic mail, computer software, voice, video and other information in digitized form. For example, the Internet's Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) project uses DES for confidentiality and MD5 for integrity. The Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) package uses IDEA and MD5 for the same purposes. PGP is now widely used around the world.

The uses of these ciphers have not changed significantly over time, although their popularity has grown substantially. Their present military utility is unknown, except that it is believed that none of these algorithms are approved for the protection of US classified information.


There are no military standards or specifications that this book is designed to meet. There are no special characteristics of the book, including no radiation-hardening, no ballistic protection, no hard points (the book is only available in soft-cover), no TEMPEST capability, no thermal and no infrared signature reduction capability, no surveillance, and no intelligence gathering capability. The book does not use image intensification tubes.


I recommend that this book be determined to be in the jurisdiction of the Commerce Department. I believe that it qualifies for the general license GTDA for General Technical Data to All Destinations, because it qualifies as "publicly available".


I have enclosed this book's complete index as provided over various electronic mailing lists by the author.


					Philip R. Karn, Jr.

From: [email protected] (Bruce Schneier)
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 1994 11:12:59 -0600 (CST)

Abreast Davies-Meyer hash function, 343
Accreditation, single, 292
Active attacks, 25
Active cheaters, 25
Adaptive-chosen-plaintext attack, 5
ADFGVX cipher, 10
Adjudicator, 23, 24
Adleman, Leonard, 12, 282
Advanced threshold schemes, 385, 86
Adversaries, 4
Agnew, G. B., 370
Algebraic coding theory, 316
       and ciphers, 2, 3
       breakable, 7
       choosing, 183, 85, 272, 320
       complexity of, 194, 95
       for export, 184, 85, 448, 54
       introduction, 2, 3
       multiple and multiple encryption, 168
       public, 183, 84
       restricted, 2
       secure, 7
       security of symmetric cryptosystem and, 129, 30
       strong, 7
       types of, mathematically defined, 194
       unconditionally secure, 7
All or nothing disclosure of secrets (ANDOS)
       introduction, 83, 84
       multiple parties buying from single seller, 399, 401
       voting with single central facility, 109
Alternating stop-and-go generator, 360, 61
American Bankers Association, 221
American National Standards Institute (ANSI).  See ANSI.
Anderson, Ross, 360
Anonymous key distribution, 80, 81
Anonymous messages
       broadcasting, 124, 26
       Dining Cryptographers problem, 124
       multiparty unconditionally secure protocols, 126
Anonymous money orders, 117, 19
ANSI standards, DES, 221, 22
ANSI X9.17 key generation, 145
       protocols, 21, 23
       solutions, 62, 63
       timestamping services, 62
       computer, 23
       difference between adjudicators and, 24
       group signatures with trusted, 70, 71
       role of, 21, 23
       signing documents with symmetric cryptosystems and, 31, 33
       simultaneous contract signing with, 99
       simultaneous contract signing without, (face-to-face), 99, 100
       simultaneous contract signing without, (not face-to-face), 100, 1
       simultaneous contract signing without, (using cryptography),101, 3
Ascom-Tech AG, 266
Asmuth-Bloom, 385
Athena project, 417, 425
AT&T, 370
Attacks.  See also Authentication; Cryptanalysis
       active, 25
       against DES, 234, 238, 39
       against poker protocols, 80
       against proof-of-identity protocols, 49
       against protocols, 24, 25
       against public-key cryptography, 30, 31, 274
       attackers, 4
       birthday attack, 295, 322
       block replay, 155, 57
       brute-force, 130, 35
       chosen-ciphertext attack, 274, 75, 286, 87
       common modulus attack against RSA, 287
       Den Boer and Bosselaer's attacks, 329, 333, 336, 337
       dictionary, 142, 44
       dictionary, and salt, 47, 48
       digital signatures and encryption, 38
       foiling resend, 39
       insertion attack, stream ciphers, 174
       introduction, 4
       low exponent attack against RSA, 287, 88
       man-in-the-middle attack, 43, 44, 50
       meet-in-the-middle attack, 166
       passive, 25
       reduced keyspaces and, 141, 42
       software-only brute-force, 135, 36
       time and cost estimates for brute-force attack, 130, 35, 195
       types of, 5, 6
       viruses, 137
       dictionary attacks and salt, 47, 48
       Feige-Fiat-Shamir algorithm, 291, 96
       introduction, 47
       key exchange and, 51, 56
       mutual, using interlock protocol, 49, 51
       Schnorr algorithm, 303
       SKID, 51
       user identification with public-key cryptography, 48, 49
Authenticators, 419
Avalanche effect, 227, 245

Backup keys, 149
Banks and digital cash, 117, 24
Bardell, Paul, 363
Battisa, Leon, 10
Beaufort cipher, 10
Bellcore, 306
Bell Laboratories, 237
Bell-Northern Research, 415
Bellovin, Steve, 50, 378, 380, 424
Bennett, Charles, 408, 410
Ben-Or, Michael, 100
Berkovitz, Shimshon, 382
Berson, Tom, 333
Beth-Piper stop-and-go generators, 359, 60
Beth, Thomas, 301
Biases and correlations, generated sequences, 371, 72
Biham, E., 234, 237, 238, 240, 244, 247, 249, 252, 253, 259, 260,
       264, 268, 272, 324, 326, 329
Bilateral stop-and-go generator, 361
Biotechnology and brute-force attacks, 138, 39
Birthday attacks, 322, 23
       Fiat-Shamir signature scheme, 294, 96
Bishop, Matthew, 429
Bit commitment, 71, 74
       blobs, 74
       using one-way functions, 73
       using pseudo-random sequence generators, 73, 74
       using symmetric cryptography, 72
Blakley, G. R., 60, 384
Blind signatures
       algorithm, 403, 4
       completely, 94, 95
       cut-and-choose technique, 95, 96
       envelopes, 96
       introduction, 93, 94
       voting with, 106, 7
Blobs, bit commitment, 74
Block algorithms.  See Algorithms, block
Block chaining (BC) mode, 163
Block cipher MAC, 345
Block cipher modes
       block chaining (BC) mode, 163
       block replay, 155, 57
       choosing, 164, 65
       cipher block chaining (CBC) mode, 157, 60, 231
       cipher block chaining of plaintext difference (CBCPD), 164
       cipher feedback (CFB) mode, 160, 61, 231
       counter mode, 163
       Electronic Codebook mode (ECB), 154, 55, 231
       error propagation, 159, 60, 161, 162
       framing, 160
       Initialization vector, 48, 158, 161, 162
       output feedback (OFB) mode, 162, 231
       output feedback with a non-linear function (OFBNLF), 164
       padding, 158, 59
       plaintext block chaining (PCB) mode, 164
       plaintext feedback (PFB) mode, 164
       propagating cipher block chaining (PCBC) mode, 163, 64
       self-recovering errors, 160
Block ciphers
       CA-1.1, 268, 69
       DES as,  224
       DES, overview and outline, 224
       FEAL-N, 249, 52
       IDEA, 260, 266, 436  
       introduction, 3
       Khufu and Khafre, 257, 59
       LOKI, 255, 57
       Lucifer, 220, 236, 244, 45
       Madryga, 245, 47
       MMB, 266, 68
       NewDES, 247, 49
       RC2 and RC4, 259, 60
       REDOC, 252, 55
       Skipjack, 269, 70, 437
       stereotyped beginnings and endings, 155
       using as stream ciphers, 175, 76
       vs. stream ciphers, 176, 77
       introduction, 3
       length, doubling via multiple encryption, 167, 69
       replay, 155, 57
       size for computer analysis, 3
Bloom, J., 385
Blum integers, 208, 397, 98
Blum, Manuel, 75, 87, 91, 407
Blum-Mitcali generator, 365
BlumBlumShub (BBS) generator, 365, 66, 407
Boolean circuit, 117
Bosselaers, A., 329, 333
Boyar, Joan, 349
Boyd, Colin, 56
Branstead, Dennis, 223
Brassard, Giles, 74, 408, 410
Breakable algorithms and work factor, 7
Brickell, Ernie, 304, 315
British Telecom, 410
Broadcast interactive proofs, 91
       keys and messages, 46, 47, 57
       anonymous messages, 124, 26
       secrets, 381, 83
Brute-force attack, 130, 35, 195
       biotechnology, 138, 39
       Chinese Lottery, 137
       software crackers, 135, 36
       software only, 135, 36
       time and cost estimates for brute-force attacks, 130, 35, 195
       viruses, 137
Burmester, Mike, 91

CA-1.1, 268, 69
Cade algorithm, 318
Cash, Digital.  See Digital Cash
CCITT X.508 public-key protocol, 153
CD-ROM applications, 15
Cellular automata (CA), 268, 317, 337
Cellular automaton generator, 363
Central Legitimization Agency (CLA), 107
Central Tabulating Facility (CTF), 105
Certificates, 153, 426, 430
Certification Authorities (CAs), 426, 430
Certifying authority (CA), 153, 426
Chaining variables, 330
Chaining, 157, 60
Chambers, W. G., 362
Chaum, David, 68, 70, 114, 392, 393, 403, 404
       passive and active, 25
       secret sharing with, 60, 386, 87
       secure elections, 113, 14
       with digital cash, 117, 24
       with digital signatures, 36, 37
Chess grandmaster problem, 91, 93
Chinese Lottery, 137, 38
Chinese remainder theorem, 204, 5
       and random noise, 370
       Clipper and Capstone, 181, 269, 436, 437, 38
       DES chip, 231
       RSA, 281, 288
Chor-Rivest knapsack, 280, 81
Chosen-ciphertext attack, 5, 6, 274, 75, 286, 87
Chosen-plaintext attack, 5, 274
Cipher block chaining (CBC) mode, 157, 60
       DES, 231
       error propagation, 159, 60
       initialization vector, 158
       padding, 158, 59
Cipher block chaining of plaintext difference (CBCPD), 164
Cipher feedback (CFB) mode, 160, 61
       DES, 231
       error propagation, 161
       self-synchronous stream ciphers, 174, 75
Cipherpunks, 445
       and algorithms, 2, 3
       blocks.  See Block ciphers
       historic term, 8
       stream.  See Stream ciphers
       substitution, 8, 10, 193
       transposition, 10
Ciphertext, 1, 2
Ciphertext pairs, 238
Ciphertext-only attack, 5
Civil War, American, 10
Cleartext, 1-2
Clock pulse, 351
Clocks, computer for real random sequence generators, 369, 70
Codes.  See also Cryptanalysis
       historic term, 8
       PURPLE, Japanese diplomatic, 6
       q-code cryptosystems, 8
Coefficients, solving for, 203
Coin flipping
       Dining Cryptographers problem, 124, 26
       fair coin flips, 74, 78, 395, 98
       into well, 77
       key generation using, 78
       using Blum integers, 397, 98
       using exponentiation modulo p, 396, 97
       using one-way functions, 75, 76
       using public-key cryptography, 76, 77
       using square roots, 396
Commercial COMSEC Endorsement Program (CCEP), 223
Common modulus attack on RSA, 287
       ANSI standards, 221, 22
       protocols, purpose of, 20, 21
       using public-key cryptography, 29, 31
       using symmetric cryptography, 26, 27
Communications networks, encrypting, 178, 80
       end-to-end encryption, 179, 80
       link-by-link encryption, 178, 79, 180
       traffic-flow security, 178
Company, example, 21
Complement keys, 234
Complexity classes of problems, 196, 97
Complexity theory, 193, 98
       algorithms, 194, 95, 319
       computational complexity, 193
       NP, complete problems, 197, 98, 277
       problems, 195, 97
       stream ciphers, 365, 66
Compression permutation, 227
Compromised keys, 150
Computational complexity, 193
Computer analysis
       adjudicated protocols, 24
       arbitrators, 23
       block size for, 3
       processors for brute-force attack, 131, 34
       pseudo-random sequence generation, 15, 39, 41
       software-only brute force attacks, 135, 36
       XOR algorithm, 12, 13
Computer communications.  See Communications
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR), 438,446, 47
Computer Security Act of 1987, 221, 304, 441
Computing with encrypted data, 71, 395
Computationally secure algorithm, 7
COMSET (COMmunications SETup), 377, 78
Confirmation messages, 37, 38
Confusion, 193
Connell, Charles, 249
Continued Fraction Algorithm, 211
Contract signing.  See Signing contracts, simultaneously
Contraction functions, 28
Convertible undeniable signatures, 393, 95
Cook, S. A., 197
Coppersmith, Don, 80, 240, 341
Cost estimates for brute-force attack, 130, 35, 195
Counter mode, 163, 172, 173
Crime and digital cash, 123
crypt(1), 364
CRYPT(3), 242
Crypt Breakers Workbench (CBW), 364
       differential, 237, 238, 40
       introduction, 1, 4, 7
       linear, 241
       of FEAL, 251, 52
       of IDEA, 264
       of LOKI, 255, 56
       of Madryga, 247
       of N-Hash, 326, 28
       of NewDES, 248, 49
       related-key, 240, 41
       Snefru one-way hash function, 324, 25
Cryptanalysts, 1
Cryptech, Inc., 255
CRYPTO conference, 91
Cryptographers, 1
Cryptographic facility, 414
Cryptographic protection of databases, 61
Cryptographic protocols, 20
Cryptographically secure pseudo-random sequence generators (CSPRSGs), 
       definition, 1
       hybrid systems, 177
       implementations.  See Example implementations
       large numbers used in, 15, 16
       quantum, 408, 10
       relativized, 192
       simultaneous contract signing without arbitrator, 101, 3
Cryptologists, 1
Cryptology, 1
       introduction, 4
              security, 7, 191
Cubic algorithms, 194
Cusick, Thomas, 253
Cut and choose technique, 85, 86
       blind signatures and, 95, 96

Damgard, Ivan, 337
Damm, Arvid Gerhard, 11
Data authentication code (DAC), 28
Data Encryption Standard (DES)
       adoption of, 221, 22
       algorithm, overview and outline, 224
       alternate S-boxes, 242
       attacks against, 234, 238, 39
       avalanche criteria, 227
       complement keys, 234
       compression permutation, 227
       CRYPT(3), 242
       decrypting, 230
       development of, 219, 21
       differential cryptanalysis, 237, 238, 40
       E-boxes, 227
       encryption speed, 231
       expansion permutation, 227, 28
       final permutation, 230
       FIPS PUBs, 221
       generalized (GDES), 243
       hardware and software implementations of, 231
       in 1987, 222, 23
       in 1992, 223, 24
       initial permutation, 26
       key length, 236, 37
       key transformation, 226, 27
       linear cryptanalysis, 241
       modes of, 231
       multiple, 241
       non-group benefits, 234, 45
       P-box permutation, 230
       permuted choice, 227
       related-key cryptanalysis, 240, 41
       rounds, 224, 237
       S-boxes, 228, 29, 237, 38
       security, 232
       speed, compared to RSA, 286
       straight permutation, 230
       validation and certification of DES equipment, 222
       weak keys, 232, 34
       with independent subkeys, 241
Data Encryption Algorithm (DEA). See Data Encryption Standard
Data Encryption Standard  (DES), 221
       brute-force attack, 130, 35, 195
       introduction, 12
       substitution boxes, 228
Data Exchange Key (DEK), 433
       computing with encrypted, 395
       for storage, encrypting, 180, 81
Data integrity check (DIC), 28
       cryptographic protection, 61
       public-key, 43
       secret keys, 30, 33
Davies, D. W., 414
Davies-Meyer hash function, 338, 39, 340, 41
Deciphering, 8
Declaration of Independence and NewDES, 248
Decoding, 8
       decrypting with public-key, 35
       DES, 230
       introduction, 1, 2
       knapsack algorithm, 279, 80
       public-key, 29
Decryption algorithm, 2, 3
Decryption keys, 4
Defense Messaging System (DMS), 269, 313
DeLaurentis, John, 315
Den Boer, Bert, 326, 329, 333
Den Boer and Bosselaer's attacks, 329, 333, 336, 337
Denning, Dorothy, 11
DES standard.  See Data Encryption Standard (DES)
Desmedt, Yvo, 69, 91, 386
Destroying keys, 152
Dictionary attacks, 142, 44
       and salt, 47, 48
Differential cryptanalysis, 237, 238, 40
Diffie, Whitfield, 29, 33, 131, 177, 212, 235, 273
Diffie-Hellman algorithm, 275, 77
       encrypted key exchange (EKE), 379, 80
       extended, 275, 76
       fair cryptosystems, 386, 398, 99
       patents, 276
       with three or more parties, 276
Diffusion, 193
DigiCash, 124
Digital cash
       and perfect crime, 123, 24
       anonymous money orders, 117, 19
       ideal system, 123
       introduction, 117
       protocols in working products, 124
Digital certified mail, 103, 4
Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)
       DES chip, 231
       SPX protocols, 55, 56
Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA), 304, 14
       criticisms of, 305, 7
       dangers of common modulus, 313
       description of, 307, 8
       digital signatures, 33
       ElGamal encryption with, 310, 11
       introduction, 12
       patents, 313, 14
       precomputations, 309
       prime generation, 309, 10
       reaction to announcement, 305, 7
       RSA encryption with, 311
       security, 311, 13
       speed, 306
       subliminal channels, 313, 390, 92
Digital signatures
       algorithms and terminology, 35, 36
       applications of, 37
       choosing algorithms, 320
       Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA), 304, 14
       ElGamal, 300, 2
       with encryption, 37, 39
       ESIGN, 314, 15
       fail-stop, 69, 70
       Feige-Fiat-Shamir algorithm, 291, 96
       group signatures, 70, 71
       Guillou-Quisquater signature scheme, 297, 99
       identification schemes, 291, 96
       introduction, 31
       key exchange with, 45, 46
       legal issues, 454
       multiple signatures, 36, 296, 298, 99
       Okamoto 92, 316, 17
       Ong-Schnorr-Shamir, 299, 300
       RSA standards, 288
       Schnorr, 302, 4
       signing documents and timestamps, 34
       signing documents with symmetric cryptosystems and arbitrator, 31, 33
       signing documents with public-key cryptography and one-way hash 
functions, 34, 35, 39
       subliminal-free signatures, 68
       undeniable, 7, 68, 69, 392, 95
Digital Signature Standard (DSS), 288, 304
Dining Cryptographers problem, 124
Discrete logarithm problem, 153, 317, 395. See also Logarithms,discrete
Disk file erasure, 183
Distributed convertible undeniable signatures, 395
Distributed key management, 153
Distributed protocols, 64, 65
DoD standard for disk overwrites, 183
Double encryption, 165, 66
DSA.  See Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)
Durstenfeld, R., 374
Dutchy of Mantua, 10

E-boxes, 227
Eavesdroppers, 4, 22, 24
Ehrsham, W. F., 413
8-bit CFB, 160
Elections, secure
       characteristics of, 105, 109
       cheating, 113, 14
       other voting schemes, 113, 14
       simplistic voting protocols, 105, 6
       voting with blind signatures, 106, 7
       voting with single central facility 109, 10
       voting with two central facilities, 107, 8
       voting without Central Tabulating Facility (CTF), 110, 13
Electronic Codebook mode (ECB), 154, 55, 231
Electronic Frontier foundation (EEF), 438, 446
ElGamal algorithm, 300, 2, 310, 11
       encrypted key exchange (EKE), 379
       subliminal channel, 388, 89
ElGamal, Taher, 276, 290
Elliptic curve cryptosystems, 317, 318
Elliptic Curve Method (ECM), 211
Enciphering, 8
Encoding, 8
Encrypt, decrypt-encrypt (EDE) mode, 166, 67
Encrypted key exchange (EKE)
       applications, 380, 81
       basic protocol, 378, 79
       Diffie-Hellman, 379, 80
       ElGamal, 379
       RSA implementation, 379
       strengthening, 380
       algorithms, 2, 3
       communications networks, 178, 80
       computing with encrypted data, 71, 395
              data for storage, 180, 81
       DES speed, 231
       digital signatures and, 37, 38
       ElGamal algorithm, 301, 2
       ElGamal with DSA, 310, 11
       encrypting with private key, 35
       hardware vs. software, 181, 83
       introduction, 1, 2
       knapsack algorithm, 279
       multiple, 165, 69
       one-time pads, 13, 16
       probabilistic, 406, 8
       public-key, 29
       RSA with DSA, 311
       software and hardware implementations, 148
Encryption keys, 4, 151
End-to-end encryption, 179, 80
Enemy, 4
Enigma rotor device, 11, 364, 365
Entropy and uncertainty, 189, 90
Envelopes, 96
Equipment, DES, 222
Erritt, Michael, 50
Error detection, 148
Error propagation
       block ciphers vs. stream ciphers, 177
       cipher block chaining (CBC) mode, 159, 60
       cipher feedback (CFB) mode, 160, 61
       output feedback (OFB) mode, 162
Error propagation in cypher block chaining (CBC) mode, 159, 60
Errors, self-recovering, 160
Errors, synchronization.  See Error propagation
ESIGN algorithm, 314, 15, 389, 90
       patents, 315
       security, 315
ESPCI, 269
Euclid's algorithm, 200, 1, 202, 3
Euler generalization of Fermat's little theorem, 203
Euler phi function, 203
Euler totient function, 203, 4
EUROCRYPT conference, 91
Example implementations
       Capstone, 437, 38
       Clipper, 437, 38
       IBM secret key management protocol, 413, 14
       ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network Terminal, 415, 17
       ISO authentication framework, 425, 28
       KERBEROS, 417, 25
       KryptoKnight, 425
       Message Security Protocol (MSP), 436
       MITRENET, 414, 15
       Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), 153, 436, 37
       Privacy-enhanced mail (PEM), 428, 36
Exchanging keys and messages.  See Key exchange
Expansion permutation, 227
Exponential algorithms, 194
Exponentiation modulo p, coin flipping using, 396, 97
Export algorithms, 184, 85, 448, 54
EXPTIME-complete problems, 197

Face-to-face contract signing, 99, 100
Factoring, 211, 13
       algorithms, 211, 13
       modular factoring machines, 212
       security of RSA algorithm and, 282, 85
       square roots modulo N, 213, 289
Fail-stop digital signatures, 69, 70
Fair coin flips, 74, 78
Fair cryptosystems, 82, 83, 386, 398, 99
Fast Elliptic Encryption (FEE), 318
FEAL-N, 249, 52
Fedeal Standards, 221, 222, 338
       in cipher block chaining (CBC) mode, 157, 159
       in cipher feedback (CFB) mode, 160, 61
       in output feedback (OFB) mode, 162
Feedforward in cipher block chaining (CBC) mode, 159
Feige, Uriel, 91
Feige-Fiat-Shamir, 291, 96, 392
       enhancements, 294
       Fiat-Shamir signature scheme, 294, 95
       identifications scheme, 292, 94
       improved Fiat-Shamir signature scheme, 295, 96
       N-party identification, 296
       Ohta-Okamoto identification scheme, 296
       patents, 296
       simplified identification scheme, 291, 92
       single accreditation, 292
Feldman, 238
Feldmeier, David, 48
Fermat's little theorem, 203
Fiat, Amos, 91
Fiat, Shamir signature scheme, 294, 95, 392
File erasure, 183
Financial Institution Retail Security Working Group, 221
Fingerprint, 28
Finite field, 209
       discrete logarithms in, 216, 18
FIPS PUBs, 221, 231
Fixed-bit index (FBI), 399
Follett, Robert, 306
Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) conference, 91
Frankel, Yair, 386
French banking community and RSA, 288
French Direction Generale de la Securite Exterieure (DGSE), 237
Fujioka, A., 318
Functions, one-way, 27, 29

Gait, 162
Galois, Evariste, 210
Galois field, computing in, 209, 10, 276
Garey, Michael, 197
Gaussian integer scheme, 217
Geffe generator, 358, 59
General Services Administration (GSA), 221
Generalized DES (GDES), 243
Generating good keys, 144, 45
Generators, 208, 9, 309, 10
GF(2^n), computing in, 210, 11, 276
Goldreich, Oded, 100
Goldwasser, Shafi, 80, 406
Gollman, D., 363
Gollmann cascade, 360
Goodman-McAuley cryptosystem, 280
Goppa codes, 316
Graham-Shamir knapsack, 280
Graph theory
       graph isomorphism, 88, 89
       Hamiltonian cycles, 87, 88
Greatest common divisor, 200, 1
Greene, J. W., 385
Group signatures, 70, 71
       with trusted arbitrator, 70, 71
       DES, 234, 36
       double encryption, 166
       IDEA, 266
Guam, P., 317
Gude, M., 370
Guillou, Louis, 85
Guillou-Quisquater algorithm, 297, 99
       identification scheme, 297, 98
       signature scheme, 298
Gutmann, Peter, 271
Gutowitz, Howard, 268

Haber, Stuart, 62, 306, 309
Hamiltonian cycles, 87, 88
Hard problems, 196, 319
       DES implementation, 231
       RSA in, 285
Hardware encryption, 148, 181, 82, 263, 64
Harn, Lein, 393
Hastad, J., 287
HAVAL one-way hash function, 336, 37
Hellman, Martin, 29, 33, 131, 166, 167, 217, 236, 273, 277, 385
Herlestam, T., 280
Hill cipher, 10
Hill, I. D., 349
Historic terms, 8
Homophonic substitution cypher, 8, 10
Hybrid cryptographic systems, 177
Hybrid cryptosystems, 31

I/p generator, 363, 64
IBM, 220, 232, 236, 273, 306
IBM secret key management protocol, 413, 14
IDEA, 260, 66, 436
Ideal secrecy, 192
Identification schemes
       Feige-Fiat-Shamir, 291, 96
       Guillou-Quisquater, 297, 98
Imai, H., 270
Increment, 347
Information theory, 189, 93
       approach to stream ciphers, 366, 67
       confusion and diffusion, 193
       entropy and uncertainty, 189, 90
       in practice, 193
       rate of language, 190, 91
       security of cryptosystems, 191
       unicity distance, 192
Information, amount in messages, 189
Ingemarsson, I., 367
Initial chaining value, 159
Initialization Vector
       cipher block chaining (CBC) mode, 158
       cipher feedback mode, 161
       salt, 48
Initializing variable, 158
Insertion attack, stream ciphers, 174
Interactive proofs, 91
Interactive protocols, 86
Interceptors, 4
Interchange Key (IK), 433
Interlock protocol, 44, 45, 49, 51
Interlopers, 4
Internal feedback, 162
International Association of Cryptographic Research (IACR), 445
International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA).  See IDEA
International Organization of Standards, 288
Internet, 428, 430.  See also Privacy-enhanced mail (PEM)
Internet Policy Registration Authority (IPRA), 430
Intractable problems, 195, 96
Introducers, 153
Intruders, 4
Inverses in modular arithmetic, 201, 3
IPES (Improved Proposed Encryption Standard), 260
Irreducible polynomials, 210
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network Terminal, 415, 17
ISO authentication framework, 425, 28
       certificates, 426
       protocols, 426, 28
Itoh, A., 318

Jacobi symbol, 207, 8, 290
Johnson, David, 197

Kahn, David, 6, 11
Kaliski, Burt, 259
Karn method, 270
Karn, Philip, 48, 270
Kerberos protocol, 55
       credentials, 419, 20
       future, 424, 25
       getting initial ticket, 421
       getting server tickets, 421, 22
       Kerberos model, 417, 18
       licenses, 425
       methodology, 419
       requesting services, 422, 23
       security, 424
       software modules, 418, 19
       version 4, 423, 24
Key Certification Authority, 30
Key distribution
       anonymous, 80, 81
       in large networks, 147
       in MITRENET network, 414, 15
Key Distribution Center (KDC), 30
       session keys from, 42
Key escrow system, 437, 38
Key exchange
       authentication protocols, 51, 56
       COMSET (COMmunications SETup), 377, 78
       with digital signature, 45, 46
       encrypted.  See Encrypted key exchange (EKE)
       interlock protocol, 44, 45, 49, 51
       key and message broadcast, 46, 47, 57
       key and message transmission, 46
       man-in-the-middle attack, 43, 44, 49, 50
       with public-key cryptography, 43
       Shamir's three-pass protocol, 376, 77
       with symmetric cryptography, 42, 43
Key length
       biotechnology, 138, 39
       brute-force attacks, 130, 35
       Chinese Lottery, 137, 38
       DES, 236, 37
       future security, 139
       security of symmetric cryptosystem and, 129
       software crackers, 235, 36
       time and cost estimates for brute-force attack, 130, 35, 195
       viruses, 137
Key management
       distributed, 153
       generating keys, 140, 41, 144, 45
       good keys, 144, 45
       IBM secret-key management protocol, 413, 14
       poor key choices, 142, 44
       reduced keyspaces, 141, 42
       software encryption and, 182, 83
Key notarization, 414
Key transformation, DES, 226
Key-encryption key, 146, 151
Keyboard latency for real random sequence generators, 370
       and security, 2, 4
       ANSI X9.17 standard, 145
       backup, 149
       complement keys, 234
       compromised, 150
       Data Exchange Key (DEK), 433
       DES with independent subkeys, 241
       destroying, 152
       determining length by counting coincidences, 13
       error detection, 148
       generating good, 144, 45
       generating random, 144.  See also random numbers
       generating using coin flipping, 78
       generating, 140, 45
       Interchange Key (IK), 433
       introduction, 2, 3
       key crunching, 144
       key-encryption key, 146
       keystream generator and, 170, 71
       lifetime of, 150, 51
       master and master terminal, 413
       master key, 146
       pass phrase and, 145
       poor choices for, 142, 44
       reduced keyspaces, 141, 42
       ROM, 148, 49
       semi-weak keys, 233
       session, 42
       software and hardware implementations, 148
       storing, 148, 49
       symmetric cryptosystems, 26, 27
       transferring, 145, 47
       transmitting messages and, 46
       verifying, 147, 48
       weak DES, 232, 34
Keyspace, 2
Keystream generator, 169, 72
Khufu and Khafre, 257, 59
Kilian, Joe, 74, 97
Klein, Daniel, 48
Knapsack algorithm, 277, 81
       creating public key from private, 278, 79
       decryption, 279, 80
       encryption, 279
       one-way hash functions, 337
       patents, 281
       practical implementations, 280
       security, 280
       superincreasing, 278
       variants, 280, 81
Known-plaintext attack, 5
Knudson, Lars, 255, 256
Knuth, D., 201, 203, 211
Koblitz, Neal, 275, 317
Konheim, Alan, 237
Korzhik, V. I., 316
Kranakis, Evengelos, 200
KryptoKnight, 425
Kurosawa, T., 318

L'Ecuyer, Pierre, 349
LaGrange interpolating polynomial scheme, 383, 84
Lai, Xuejia, 260, 264, 266, 340, 341, 343, 345
LaMacchia, Brian, 307, 381
Language, rate and redundancy of, 190, 91
Large numbers used in cryptography, 15, 16
Lawsuits and patents, 447, 48
Legendre symbol, 206
Lehmann prime number algorithm, 215
Length, maximal, of LSFRs, 351
Lenstra, Arjen, 212, 306, 309
Lexar Corporation, 237
Lidl, Rudolph, 318
Lifetime of keys, 150, 51
Linear algorithms, 194
linear congruential generators, 347, 51
Linear cryptanalysis, 241
Linear feedback shift registers (LFSR), 351, 55
Linear sieve, 217
Link-by-link encryption, 178, 79, 180
Linking protocols, 63, 64
Logarithms, discrete
       in finite field, 216, 18
       problem, 153, 317, 395
       zero knowledge proofs, 401, 3
LOKI, 255, 57
LOKI double-block hash function, 342
LOKI single-block hash function, 339
Low exponent attack against RSA, 287, 88
LSFR.  See Linear feedback shift registers
Lu-Lee cryptosystem, 280
Luby-Rackoff method, 270, 71
LUCIFER, 220, 236, 244, 45

MAC (Message Authentication Code), 345
Macintosh system 7, 148
Madryga, 245, 47
Mail systems
       digital certified mail, 103, 4
       MITRENET, 414, 15
       privacy-enhanced mail (PEM), 428, 36
Man-in-the-middle attack, 43, 44, 49, 50
Manasse, 212
Manipulation detection code (MDC), 28
MASKs, 253
Massey, James, 260, 340, 343, 364, 367, 439
Master key, 146, 413
Master terminal key, 413
Mathematical theory.  See Information theory
Matsui, Mitsuru, 241, 252
Matsumoto-Imai algorithm, 318
Matyas, S. M., 413
Maximal length generator, 347
Mauborgne, Major Joseph, 13
Maurer, Ueli, 367
McCurley, Kevin, 275, 304
McEliece algorithm, 316
MD2, 333
MD4, 329
MD5, 329, 33
       chaining variables, 330
       description of, 329, 32
       security, 332, 33
MDC-4, 343, 44
Mechanical encryption devices, 11
Meet-in-the-middle attack, 166
Memory management, 152, 183
Mental poker
       anonymous key distribution, 80, 81
       attacks against poker protocols, 80
       introduction, 78
       with three players, 78, 79
Merchants, cheating, 119, 22
Merkle, Ralph, 166, 167, 257, 59, 273, 277, 324, 329, 344
Merkle-Hellman knapsack algorithm, 277, 81
Merritt, Michael, 110, 378, 380, 424
Message Authentication code (MAC), 345
Message Digest, 28, 329
Message digest cipher (MDC), 271, 72
Message Integrity Check (MIC), 429
Message security protocol (MSP), 436
       broadcasting keys and, 46, 47, 57
       information theory, 189, 93
       introduction, 1, 2
Metal insulator semiconductor capacitor (MISC), 370
Meyer, C. H. W., 232, 338, 413
Meyer, Joseph A., 453
Meyer-Schilling hash function, 344
Micali, Silvio, 80, 82, 100, 295, 386, 398, 406, 407
Miller, V. S., 275, 317
Minimum, disclosure proof, 84
MITRENET, 414, 15
Miyaguchi hash function, 339, 40
Miyaguchi, Shoji, 249
MMB (Modular Multiplication-based Block cipher), 266, 68
(m,n)-threshold scheme, 59, 383
Modular arithmetic, 198, 200
       greatest common divisor, 200, 1
       inverses in modular arithmetic, 201, 3
       prime numbers, 200
Modular reduction, 198
Moore, J. H., 288
Motorola, 306, 7
Muller, Winfried, 318
Multiple DES, 241
Multiple encryption, 165, 69
       double encryption, 165, 66
       doubling block length via, 167, 69
       encrypt-decrypt-encrypt (EDE) mode, 166, 67
       meet-in-the-middle attack, 166
       multiple algorithms for, 168
       triple encryption, 166, 67
       with multiple algorithms, 168
Multiple keys, public-key cryptography, 56, 58, 381
Multiple signatures, 36, 296, 298, 99
Multiplexer generator, 359
Multiplier, 347
Multispeed inner-product generator, 363
Mutual authentication, 49, 51

N-Hash one-way hash function, 326, 28
N-party identification, 296
National Bureau of Standards (NBS), 219, 21
National Computer Security Center (NCSC), 440, 41
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 218, 304,441, 44
National Security Agency, 130, 184, 85, 439, 40
       and DES,  219, 23, 232, 236, 37, 273, 74
       and DSS, 312, 13
       Skipjack, 269, 70, 437
Needham, 52, 177
Needham and Schroeder protocol, 52, 54
       factoring algorithms on, 212, 13
       IBM secret-key management protocol, 413, 14
       key distribution in, 147
Neumann, John von, 39
NewDES, 247, 49
New South Wales, University of, 256
Niederreiter cryptosystem, 280
Niederreiter, Harald, 318
Niemi cryptosystem, 280
Nippon Telephone and Telegraph, 326
Nobauer, Wilfried, 318
Noninteractive zero-knowledge proofs, 90, 91
NP problems, 196, 98
NP-complete problems, 197, 98, 277
NTT Japan, 249, 252, 314
Number Field Sieve, (NFS), 211, 217
Number Theory, 198, 211
       Blum integers, 208
       Chinese remainder theorem, 204, 5
       Euler totient function, 203, 4
       Fermat's little theorem, 203
       Galois field, computing in, 209, 10, 276
       generators, 208, 9
       GF(2^n), computing in, 210, 11, 276
       Jacobi symbol, 207, 8, 290
       Legendre symbol, 206
       modular arithmetic, 198, 200
       Primative polynomials mod 2, 353, 56
       quadratic residues and nonresidues, 206
       solving for coefficients, 203
Numbers, relatively prime, 200
Numbers and nonuniform distributions, 372, 74
Nurmi, Hannu, 109

Oblivious transfer
       algorithm, 404
       fair cryptosystems, 82, 83
       introduction, 97, 98
Octway-Rees protocol, 54
Odlyzko, Andrew, 307, 381
Office of Technology Assessment, 223
Ohta, Kazuo, 123, 319
Ohta-Okamoto identification scheme, 296
Okamoto 92 algorithm, 316, 17
Okamoto, Tatsuaki, 123, 314, 319
Omaa, Arto, 109
One-key algorithms, 3
One-time pads
       overview, 13, 16
       security of, 7
One-time tape, 366
One-way functions
       abreast Davies-Meyer, 343
       bit commitment using 73
       coin flipping using, 75, 76
       Davies-Meyer, 338, 39, 340, 41
       equal block and key sizes, 340
       LOKI double-block, 342
       LOKI single-block, 339
       MDC-4, 343, 44
       Miyaguchi, 339, 40
       Preneel-Bosselaers-Govaerts-Vandewalle, 341
       prime numbers and , 213
       public-key cryptography, 27, 28
       Quisquater-Girault, 341, 42
       tandem Davies-Meyer, 342, 43
       trap-door, 28
       using block Algorithms as one-way hash functions, 338, 44
One-way hash functions, 28, 29, 270, 72
       background, 321, 24
       birthday attack, 322
       choosing best, 345
       design overview, 323, 24
       diffusing randomness, 372
       HAVAL, 336, 37
       Karn, 270
       key-dependent, 345, 46
       length of, 323
       Luby-Rackoff, 270, 71
       MAC, 345
       MD2, 333
       MD4, 329
       MD5, 329, 33
       Message Digest, 329
       message digest cipher (MDC), 271, 72
       N-Hash, 326, 28
       RIPE-MD, 336
       Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), 308, 333, 36
       Snefru, 324, 25
       using public-key algorithms, 344
       using symmetric block algorithms, 338, 44
Ong-Schnorr-Shamir algorithm, 299, 300, 387, 88
Open Computing Security Group, 425
Opponents, 4
Orange Book, 440
Outerbridge, Richard, 167
Output feedback (OFB) mode, 162
       DES, 231
       error propagation, 162
       security problems, 162
       stream ciphers, 172, 73
Output feedback with a non-linear function (OFBNLF), 164

P problems, 196
Padding, 158, 59
       triple encryption with, 167
Painvin, Georges, 10
Parallel zero-knowledge proofs, 89
Pass phrase, 145
Passive attacks, 25
Passive cheaters, 25
Passwords, authentication, 47, 51
Patents, 447, 48
       CA-1.1, 268, 69
       Diffie-Hellman, 276
       Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA), 313, 14
       ElGamal, 302
       ESIGN, 315
       FEAL, 252
       Fiat-Shamir signature scheme, 296
       IDEA, 266
       knapsacks, 281
       LOKI, 256
       Lucifer, 245
       Pohlig-Hellman algorithm, 289
       REDOC, 254, 55
       RSA algorithm, 288
       Schnorr algorithm, 304
Pederson, Torben, 395
PEM public-key protocol, 153
Perfect secrecy, 191
Period of cypher, 10
Periodic keystream generators, 171, 72
       DES, 227, 30
       generating random, 374, 75
Permuted choice, 227
PES (Proposed Encryption Standard), 260
Pfitzmann, Brigit, 69
Pfleeger, Charles, 80
Pieprzyk, Josef, 336
Pieprzyk cryptosystem, 280
PINs, 221, 381
       introduction, 1, 2
       pairs, characteristics of, 238
Plaintext block chaining (PCB) mode, 164
Plaintext feedback (PFB) mode, 164
Playfair cipher, 10
Pless generator, 359
Pohlig, S. C., 217
Pohlig-Hellman algorithm, 289
Poker.  See Mental poker
Policy Certification Authorities (PCAs), 430
Pollard, J. M., 300
Pollard's Monte Carlo Algorithm, 211
Polyalphabetic substitution cyphers, 9, 10
Polygram substitution cipher, 9, 10
Polynomial time algorithms, 194
Pomerance, Carl, 212
Price, W. L., 414
Preliminary Message Security Protocol (PMSP), 436
Preneel, Bart, 323, 340, 341, 345
Preneel-Bosselaers-Govaerts-Vandewalle hash function, 341
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), 153, 436, 37
Prevention, secret sharing with, 387
Primative polynomials mod 2, 353, 56
Prime numbers, 200, 213, 16
       Lehmann prime number algorithm, 215
       Rabin-Miller, 214, 15
       Solvay-Strassen, 214
       strong primes, 215, 16
Primitives, 208
Principle square root, 208
Privacy-enhanced mail (PEM), 428, 36
       certificates, 430
       messages, 430, 34
       PEM documents, 429
       RIPEM, 435, 36
       security, 434
       TIS-PEM, 434, 35
Private keys
       compromised, 150
       creating public from, knapsack algorithm, 278, 79
       fair cryptosystems, 82, 386, 398, 99
       introduction, 4
       lifetime of, 151
Private keys.  See Secret keys
Probabilistic encryption, 406, 8
       complexity classes, 196, 97
       complexity of, 195, 97
       discrete logarithm, 317, 395
       hard, 196, 319
       mathematical classes of, 196, 98
       tractable and intractable, 195, 96
       undecidable, 196
Proof-of-identity protocols, 49, 301
       broadcast interactive proofs, 91
       minimum-disclosure proof, 84
       Zero-knowledge, 84, 91
Propagating cipher block chaining (PCBC) mode, 163, 64, 418
       adjudicated, 23, 24
       arbitrated, 21, 23
       attacks against, 24, 25
       basic zero-knowledge, 85, 87
       cryptographic, 20
       distributed protocols, 64, 65
       example company, 21
       interactive, 86
       interlock, 44, 45, 49, 51
       introduction to, 19, 25
       ISO authentication framework, 425, 28
       Kerberos protocol, 55
       linking protocols, 63, 64
       Needham and Schroeder protocol, 52, 54
       Otway-Rees protocol, 54
       proof-of-identity, 49
       purpose of, 20, 21
       secret-key identification (SKID), 50, 51
       self-enforcing, 24
       simplistic voting, 105, 6
       SPX protocols, 55, 56
       steps involved in, 20
       Wide-Mouth Frog protocol, 51, 52
       Yahalom protocol, 52
Pseudo-random.  See also Random numbers
       key crunching, 144
       sequence generation, 15, 39, 41
       sequence generators, bit commitment using, 73, 74
       unpredictable numbers, 41
Pseudo-random sequence generators.  See also Real random sequence generators
       combining linear congruential generators, 349, 51
       linear congruential generators, 347, 51
       linear feedback shift registers (LFSR), 351, 55
       modified LFSRs, 356
       Shamir's pseudo-random number generator, 365
PSPACE-complete problems, 197
Public algorithms, 183, 84
Public-Key algorithms
       as hash functions, 344
       attacks against, 274, 75
       Cade, 318
       cellular automata, 317
       choosing, 320
       compared to symmetric, 31
       Diffie-Hellman, 275, 77
       Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA), 304, 14
       ElGamal, 300, 2
       elliptic curve cryptosystems, 317, 318
       ESIGN, 314, 15
       fair, 83, 386, 398, 99
       Feige-Fiat-Shamir, 291, 96
       Guillou-Quisquater, 297, 99
       hard problems, 319
       introduction, 3, 4, 273, 74
       Knapsack algorithms, 277, 81
       Matsumoto-Imai, 318
       McEliece, 316
       Okamoto, 92, 316, 17
       Ong-Schnorr-Shamir, 299, 300
       Pohlig-Hellman, 289
       Rabin, 289, 91
       RSA, 281, 88
       Schnorr, 302, 4
       security, 274, 75, 319
       Yagisawa, 318
Public key cryptography
       attacks against, 30, 31
       coin flipping using, 76, 77
       communications using, 29, 31
       generating keys for, 144, 45
       key exchange, 42, 47
       multiple-key, 56, 58
       one-way functions and, 27, 28
       one-way hash functions, 34, 35, 39
       prime numbers and, 213, 16
       signing documents, 33, 34
       user identification with, 48, 49
Public Key Distribution Center, 414, 15
Public Key Partners (PKP), 276, 288, 289
Public keys, 35, 36.  See also Keys; Public-Key algorithms
       certificates, 153
       creating from private, knapsack algorithm, 278, 79
       database, 43
       introducers and distributed key management, 153
       introduction, 4
       management, 152, 53
       one-way functions and, 27, 28
       security, 30
PURPLE, Japanese diplomatic code, 6

Q-code cryptosystems, 8
Quadratic algorithms, 194
Quadratic residues and nonresidues, 206
Quadratic Sieve, 211
Quantum cryptography, 408, 10
Queensland University of Technology, 247
Quisquater, Jean-Jacques, 85
Quisquater-Girault hash function, 341, 42

Rabin algorithm, 289, 91, 435
Rabin, Michael, 86, 404
Rabin-Miller prime number algorithm, 214, 15
Rackoff, C., 270
Rainbow Books, 441
RAND tables, 368, 69
Random noise, 370
Random numbers.  See also Pseudo-random
       crypotographically, 40
       generating, 14, 15, 39, 41, 144
       keystream generators, 170
Random permutations, generating, 374, 75
Randomized stream ciphers, 367
Rate of language, 190, 91
RC2 and RC4, 259, 60, 364
Real random sequence generators, 368, 72.  See also Pseudo-random sequence generators
       biases and correlations, 371, 72
       diffusing randomness, 372
       measuring keyboard latency, 370
       RAND tables, 368, 69
       random noise, 370, 71
       using computer clocks, 369, 70
Real, world random numbers, 41
Receipts, resending message as, 37, 38
Receiver, 1
REDOC, 252, 55
Redundancy of language, 190, 91
Regan, Ronald and NSDD, 145, 222
Related-key cryptanalysis, 240, 41
Relatively prime numbers, 200
Relativized cryptography, 192
Research and Development in Advanced Communication Technologies in Europe (RACE), 336, 446
Resend attacks, 39
Residues in modular arithmetic, 198, 203
Restricted algorithms, 2
Ribenboim, Paulo, 200
Richter, Manfield, 370
RIPEM, 435, 36
RIPE-MAC, 345, 446
RIPE-MD one-way hash function, 336
RIPE project, secret-key identification (SKID), 50, 51, 343, 446
Rivest, Ron, 12, 100, 259, 282, 329, 332, 35
Riorden, Mark, 435
Robotron, 237
ROM keys, 148, 49
Rotor machines, 11
Rounds, DES, 224, 237
RSA (Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman) algorithm, 281, 88
       attacks against poker protocols, 80
       common modulus attack, 287
       digital signatures and, 33
       encrypted key exchange (EKE), 379
       in hardware, 285
       introduction, 12
       low exponent attack against RSA, 287, 88
       multiple public-key cryptography, 381
       patents, 288
       restrictions on, 288
       security, 282, 85
       speed of, 285, 86, 306
       as standard, 288
       zero-knowledge proof of ability to break, 403
RSA Data Security, Inc. (RSADI), 259, 60, 305, 364, 444, 45
RSA generator, 365
Rueppel, Ranier, 345, 357, 358, 363, 364

Salomaa, Arto, 399
Salt, 47, 48
Santean, Lila, 109, 399
S-boxes, 228, 29, 237, 38, 242
Scherbius, Arthur, 11
Schnorr, C. P., 299, 337, 367
Schnorr algorithm, 302, 4
Schroeder, 52, 177
Sci.crypt, 445
Scott, Robert, 247
Seberry, Jennifer, 336
Secrecy, ideal, 192
Secrecy, perfect, 191
Secret broadcasting, 382, 83
Secret-key algorithms, 3
Secret-key identification protocols (SKID), 50, 51
Secret keys
       compromised, 150
       database of, 30, 33
       introduction, 4
Secret sharing
       advanced threshold schemes, 385, 86
       all-or-nothing disclosure (ANDOS), 83, 84, 399, 401
       Asmuth-Bloom, 385
       backup keys, 149
       with cheaters, 60, 386, 87
       Karnin-Greene-Hellman, 385
       LaGrange interpolating polynomial scheme, 383, 84
       (m,n)-threshold scheme, 59, 383
       with prevention, 387
       without revealing shares, 386
       schemes for, 59, 61
       shadows, 59
       simultaneous exchange, 104, 5
       threshold scheme, 59
       without Trent, 60, 61
       vector scheme, 384
Secret splitting, 58, 59
Secure algorithm
       introduction, 7
Secure Data Network System (SDNS), 436
Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), 333, 36
       description of, 334, 35
       and DSS, 308
       security, 335, 36
Secure Hash Standard (SHS), 323
Secure multiparty computation
       protocols, 114, 16, 404, 6
       secure circuit evaluation, 116, 17
       of CA-1.1, 268
       cheating, 25
       cryptosystems, 7, 191
       DES, 232
       DSA, 311, 13
       ESIGN algorithm, 315
       hardware and software encryption, 181, 83
       Kerberos, 424
       key length and future security, 139, 40
       and keys, 2, 4
       keystream generators and, 170
       knapsack algorithm, 280
       MD5, 332, 33
       of MMB, 267, 68
       multiple encryption, 165, 69
       network, 178, 80
       PEM, 434
       problems with OFB, 162
       pseudo-random sequences and, 40, 41
       public-key algorithms, 274, 75, 319
       restricted algorithms, 2
       of REDOC II, 253, 54
       of REDOC III, 254
       RSA, 282, 85
       Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), 308, 335, 36
Self-decimated generators, 362, 63
Self-enforcing protocols, 24
Semi-weak keys, 233
       introduction, 1
       unconditional, and recipient untraceability, 125
Sequence, superincreasing, 278
Session keys, 42, 418
Shadows, 59, 383
Shamir, Adi, 12, 60, 91, 234, 237, 238, 240, 43, 244, 252, 254, 
       255, 259, 260, 277, 280, 282, 295, 299, 324, 325, 326, 383
Shamir's pseudo-random number generator, 365
Shamir's three-pass protocol, 376, 77
Shannon, Claude Elmwood, 189, 193
Shares, secret sharing without revealing, 386
Shift registers, 351
Shifting identities problem, 93
Shimizu, Akihiro, 249
Shmuley, Z., 275
Shroyer, Les, 306
Signatures.  See Digital signatures
Signing contracts, simultaneous
       with arbitrators, 99
       without arbitrator, (face-to-face), 99, 100
       without arbitrator, (not face-to-face), 100, 1
       without arbitrator, (using cryptography), 101-3
Signing documents
       and timestamps, 34, 39
       with public-key cryptography, 33, 35
       with symmetric cryptosystems and arbitrator, 31, 33
Simmons, Gustavus, 67, 318, 387
Simple substitution cypher, 8
Simultaneous exchange of secrets, 104, 5
Single-key algorithm, 3
Smart card applications, 296, 297, 309
Smith, Peter, 318
Snefru one-way hash function, 324, 25
       brute-force attacks, 135, 36
       DES implementation, 231
       encryption, 148, 182, 83
Software Publishers Association (SPA), 260
Solvay-Strassen prime number algorithm, 214
Soviet Union, 237
Space complexity of algorithms, 194
       DES, 231
       DES compared to RSA, 286, 306
       of IDEA, 263, 64
       of RSA, 285, 86
SPX protocols, 55, 56
Square roots modulo N, 213, 289
Square roots, coin flipping using, 396
Standards.  See Data Encryption Standard (DES), RSA algorithm
Stereotyped beginnings and endings, 155
Stern, 349
Store-and-forward network, 46, 47
Storing keys, 148, 49
Stornetta, W. Scott, 62
Straight permutation, 230
Stream algorithms, 3
Stream ciphers, 168, 77, 356, 67
       alternating stop-and-go generator, 360, 61
       Beth-Piper stop-and-go generators, 359
       bilateral stop-and-go generator, 361
       Blum-Mitcali generator, 365
       BlumBlumShub (BBS) generator, 365, 66, 407
       cellular automaton generator, 363
       complexity, theoretic approach, 365, 66
       crypt(1), 364
       Geffe generator, 358, 59
       Gollmann cascade, 360
       I/p generator, 363, 64
       information theory approach, 366, 67
       insertion attack, 174
       introduction, 3
       keystream generators, 169, 72
       MAC, 345, 46
       multiplexer generator, 359
       multispeed inner-product generator, 363
       Pless generator, 359
       randomized, 367
       RC4, 364
       RSA generator, 365
       self-synchronous, 172, 174, 75
       self-decimated generators, 362, 63
       Shamir's pseudo-random number generator, 365
       summation generator, 364
       synchronous, 172
       system-theoretic approach, 357, 64
       threshold generator, 361, 62
       using block ciphers as, 175, 76
       vs. block ciphers, 176, 77
Stream ciphers.  See also pseudo-random sequence generators
Strong algorithms, 7
Strong primes, 215, 16
Subliminal channels
       applications of, 68
       DES, 313
       DSA, 390, 92
       ElGamal, 388, 89
       ESIGN, 389, 90
       Ong-Schorr-Shamir, 387, 88
       protocols, 66, 68
       subliminal-free signatures, 68
Substitution, 8, 10, 193
       S-box substitution, DES, 228, 29
Summation generator, 364
Sumoto, T., 270
Superincreasing knapsack, 278
Superincreasing sequence, 278
Superpolynomial algorithms, 194
Swap files, 152, 183
Symmetric algorithms
       compared to public-key, 31
       introduction, 3, 4
Symmetric cryptography
       bit commitment using, 72
       communications using, 26, 27
       key exchange with, 42, 43
       keys and, 26, 27
       security of, 129, 30
       signing documents with arbitrator, 31, 33
       vs. public-key cryptography, 177, 78
Symposium on the theory of Computing (STOC), 91
Synchronous stream ciphers, 172, 74
       counter mode, 172, 173
       introduction, 172
       output feedback mode, 172, 73

Tandem Davies-Meyer hash function, 342, 43
Tap sequence, 351
TCP/IP networks, 417
Threshold generators, 361, 62
Threshold scheme, 59, 385
Ticket-Granting Server (TGS), 419
Ticket-Granting Service (TGS), 419
Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT), 421
Tickets, 419
Time complexity of algorithms, 194
Time estimates for brute-force attack, 130, 35, 195
       arbitrated solution, 62, 63
       distributed protocols, 64, 65
       document signing and, 34, 39
       linking protocols, 63, 64
       services, 61, 65
TIS-PEM, 434, 35
Tractable problems, 195
Traffic-flow security, 178
Transferring keys, 145, 47
Transposition ciphers, 10
Trap-door one-way functions, 28
Trial Division, 212
Triple encryption, 166, 67
Trusted Information Systems.  See Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM)
Trusted parties, 21
Tsujii, S., 318
Tuchman, W. L., 166, 232, 413
Turing, Alan, 11, 193, 196
Turing machine, 195
Turkin, A. I., 316

U.S. export rules, 447, 54
U.S. government cryptosystems
       Clipper and Capstone chips, 181, 269, 436, 437, 38
       DES (Data Encryption Standard), 12
Unconditionally secure algorithm, 7
Unconditionally secure multiparty protocols, 125, 26
Undecidable problems, 196
Undeniable digital signatures, 68, 69, 392, 95
Unicity distance, 192
Unicity point, 192
       CRYPT(3), 242
       Crypt Breakers Workbench (CBW), 364
       encryption operations, 148
       generating random values, 369, 70
       Kerberos, 417, 25
       ROT13, 9, 10
       salt, 48
       TIS-PEM, 434, 35
Unpredictable to left/right, 366
Untraceability, unconditional sender and recipient and, 125
User identification, with public-key cryptography, 48, 49

Van Oorschot, Paul, 167
Variants, DES, 241, 43
Vector scheme, 384
Verifying keys, 147, 48
Vernam, Gilbert, 13
Vigenere cipher
       classical cryptography, 10
       simple XOR, 12, 13
Viruses, 137
Voting.  See Elections, secure

Waidner, Michael, 69
Waterloo, University of, 337
Wayner, Peter, 66
Weak DES keys, 232, 34
Weizmann Institute in Israel, 291
Well, coin flipping into, 77
Wichmann, B. A., 349
Wide-Mouth Frog protocols, 51, 52
Wiener, Michael, 167, 287
Windows NT, 148
Wolfram, Steve, 337, 363
Wood, Michael, 252, 254
Woollven, Jack, 345
Work factor, breaking algorithms, 7
World War I ciphers, 10
World War II ciphers, 11

X.509 protocols, 425
XOR algorithm, 12, 13
Xuejia, Lai, 260

Yagisawa algorithm, 318
Yahalom protocol, 52
Yamagishi, Atsuhiro, 252
Yang, Shouboa, 393
Yung, Moti, 69
Yuval, G., 322

Zenith video scrambling, 2
Zero knowledge identification algorithm, 297
Zero-knowledge proofs of identity
       chess grandmaster problem, 91, 93
       introduction, 91, 93
       shifting identities problem, 93
Zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge
       basic protocol, 85, 87
       convincing third parties, 89, 90
       Cut and choose technique, 85, 86
       discrete logarithm, proofs of, 401, 3
       Feige-Fiat-Shamir algorithm, 291, 96
       generalities, 91
       graph isomorphism, 88, 89
       Hamiltonian cycle, 87, 88
       introduction, 84
       minimum-disclosure proofs, 84
       noninteractive proofs, 90, 91
       parallel proofs, 89
       RSA, ability to break, 403
Zheng, Yuliang, 270, 336
Zippel, 280