Looking northwest from the entrance to the parking lot off Sante Fe Drive.
Thomas Bros map: page 1167 grid D1
GPS: 33 2.210N 117 17.020 48m (post-SA)
Site description: Immediately west of I-5 and immediately north of Sante Fe Drive.
Charger description: One pedestal charger near the hospital main entrance (not the emergency entrance), to the left of a series of handicapped spots. It is to your left shortly after entering the hospital grounds from Sante Fe Drive.
What to do while waiting: assuming you don't have a doctor's appointment at the hospital, there is a small shopping center to the south across Sante Fe Drive.
ICEing: Occasional. As this spot is built with handicapped access, it's sometimes possible to squeeze in alongside the offending vehicle.
Charger supply voltage: 208
Entry by: Phil Karn, 7 Sep 1998; updated 25 Aug 2000
Photo by Ted Walton; courtesy of SDG&E