San Diego Airport (Lindbergh Field)

3665 North Harbor Drive
San Diego, CA 92101

Terminal 1 lot, looking northeast.

GPS: 32 43.875N 117 11.881W 9m (post-SA)

Terminal 2 lot, looking northeast. The old (pre-1996) baggage claim building is in the background.

GPS: 32 43.856N 117 12.106W 15m (post-SA)

Northwest corner of Terminal 2 lot, looking northwest.

GPS: 32 43.851N 117 12.246W 6m (post-SA)

Northeast corner of Commuter terminal lot

GPS: 32 43.777N 117 11.466W 2m (post-SA)

Site description: In the short term parking lots at Lindbergh Field, San Diego's main commercial airport.

Charger description: Four separate sites, each with one conductive and one inductive Gen 1 pedestal charger: two in the Terminal 2 parking lot, one in the Terminal 1 lot and one at the Commuter Terminal. All are at the north edge of the lot near the terminal buildings. Note that you can drive between the Terminal 1 and 2 lots without exiting the toll booths. (The Commuter Terminal lot is separate.)

Charger supply voltage: 208V (Terminal 2 chargers & Commuter Terminal charger); 240V (Terminal 1 charger)

Note: All four charging sites are now operational.

Entry by:Phil Karn, 10 Nov 2000; updated 19 Jul 2001